German University in Cairo
Winter Semester 2018, Winter Semester 2019, Winter Semester 2020, Winter Semester 2021
This course introduces students to the world of real-time embedded systems. It focuses on the hardware and software aspects of embedded systems and their programming, real-time operating systems, communication, and use in the industry.
Spring Semester 2019, Spring Semester 2020, Spring Semester 2021, Spring Semester 2022
This course focuses on concepts of computer architecture such as performance measurements, instruction set basics, pipelines, instruction level parallelism, memory hierarchy, and multithreaded/multiprocessor systems.
Spring Semester 2020
This course is an introduction to the discipline of Software Engineering. Students will explore the major phases of the software lifecycle such as analysis, specification, design, implementation, and testing.
Winter Semester 2021
This is an introductory course in artificial intelligence (AI). The course starts with the history and philosophical foundations of AI. An intensive study of search algorithms and a study of logic, reasoning, planning, and learning are then followed.
Spring Semester 2020, Spring Semester 2021
In the bachelor thesis, students demonstrate the most recent developments in their field and use their knowledge to address practical issues. They give a balanced assessment of their work from academic and practical angles orally and in writing.
German International University
Winter Semester 2021
This course focuses on the different concepts of real-time embedded systems. Students learn how to program in assembly language using an instruction set architecture. They also get introduced to real-time operating systems and scheduling algorithms.
Pre-Winter Semester 2022
This course teaches students how to conduct methodology-correct research and produce good scientific writing. They learn how to efficiently study existing research, design research experiments, and evaluate research outcomes.